Simpler HackingAdvanced Phishing Unveiled: Mastering Evilginx 3 for Robust AD FS and MFA Securityn phishing simulations and real-world attacks, understanding the intricacies of AD FS and MFA is critical. Attackers using advanced tools…Dec 6, 20233Dec 6, 20233
lainkusanagiMaking a Powershell Shellcode Downloader that Evades Defender (Without Amsi Bypass)Hello everyone, today i’m going to show how to modify a powershell shellcode runner to download shellcode and run it while also evading…Nov 19, 20241Nov 19, 20241
CICADA8Process Injection is Dead. Long Live IHxHelpPaneServerProcess Injection without Process Injection. Exploring cross-session activation mechanisms to steal someone else’s session using COMJul 15, 2024Jul 15, 2024
Daniel SantosBypassing Defender’s self-protect mechanismI recently started working as a Red Team lead, and figuring out ways to bypass antivirus engines became a regular thing. I am a huge fan of…Feb 17, 2022Feb 17, 2022
RencoraSpear Phishing on Steroids — The Ultimate Phishing Tool Automator for Evilginx and RansomwareSo as you already know phishing remains one of the most common and effective attack vectors used by hackers and red teamers today. Even…Dec 12, 20231Dec 12, 20231